Exhibitor : Wonik Robotics

Allegro Hand

Industrial Robots

Brand : Wonik Robotics Co., Ltd. Model : Allegro Hand v.4


Product Information

Wonik Robotics

CEO : Hak-rae, Kim

Phone Number : 0504-3105-7377

Address : Wonik Robotics, Wonik Bldg. 4F, Pangyo-ro 255-20, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyunggi-do, 13486 Korea

Homepage : www.wonikrobotics.com

About Us

Starting with the development and supply of autonomous driving robots (AMR), Wonik Robotics designs/develops and provides various solutions based on the logistics automation needs of various manufacturing sites. With logistics automation design/engineering as a core competency, we provide a variety of logistics automation solutions required for manufacturing sites, such as logistics automation for the secondary battery chemical process, CNC lathe machine tending, and process simulation using digital twin technology. Robot Hand, a Wonik Robotics Co., Ltd.'s flagship model, is a robot hand used for research purposes by leading domestic&foreign research institutes and companies. It is consistently recognized for its flexible degrees of freedom(DOF) and simulation technology.
With a deep understanding of the latest automation and robotics technologies, we provide our customers with solutions that streamline processes, reduce costs and improve overall efficiency.